Lawyer in Mersin - Law Firm
Legal Aid and Services
Lawyer in Mersin, Turkey - Law Firm

Material and moral compensation, contractual compensation, compensation due to unlawful protection measures (detention, arrest, etc.). Deprivation of support, bodily harm, loss of property values, disability, harm. Name - surname change, age - gender change, guardianship decision, restriction, correction of population records, absence...

Purchase and sale of real estate. Ownership, real right, usufruct, easement, construction contract in return for flat. Civil Court of First Instance, prevention of intervention, occupation c., removal of partnership, title deed cancellation - registration case. Cadastre, real estate sales promise, lease agreement, construction, zoning, building management, mortgage, tender, zoning plan, permit, license, land…

Theft, injury, manufacture and sale of drugs or stimulants - use and purchase, looting, extortion, killing, fraud, forgery. Knives and firearms, threats, sexual offenses. Criminal lawyer , immigration smuggling, torture, persecution, insult. Unjustified search, damage to property, breach of trust, violation of the immunity of residence. Heavy punishment, police station statement, detention…

Commercial contract, international sales, foreign investment, arbitration, recognition/enforcement, distributor, customs procedures, company establishment, merger, acquisition, division, share purchase. Joint-stock-limited company, sole proprietorship, business partnership, preparation of articles of association. Capital increase-decrease, negotiable instruments, bills of exchange, bond, cheques, policies, commodity bills, loss of negotiable instruments, loss of cheque...

Marriage, property regime, divorce. Ill treatment, Divorce lawyer , alimony, denial of lineage, establishment of paternity, custody-guardianship, adoption, child property, family property. Inheritance case, inheritance, legal heir, share in the inheritance, refusal of inheritance, certificate of inheritance (inheritance certificate). Tenkis, collusion, elimination of partnership, contract of inheritance, waiver of inheritance…

Employee, employer, employment contract, wage. Termination, dismissal, unjust-justified-invalid termination. Severance, notice, overtime pay, week-holiday vacation, bad faith compensation, union compensation, material and moral compensation. Injury-death-incapacity of the worker, social security, service determination, reemployment lawsuit, occupational disease, work accident. Application to mediation.
Lawyer in Mersin. Labor Court…

Receivables, enforcement proceedings, follow-up request, enforcement office, enforcement with a verdict, enforcement without a verdict, follow-up through foreclosure specific to bills of exchange, payment-executive order. Evacuation of rented immovables, conversion of the pledge into money. Objection, removal of objection, complaint, enforcement court, cancellation of objection. Debtor, assets, negative clearance, recovery, restitution, bankruptcy, concordat. Foreclosure, precautionary lien, removal of value pledge, termination of tender, sale…

User agreements, confidentiality-user-membership agreements. Informatics - internet crimes, destroying, corrupting, changing, copying the data in the information system, disrupting-blocking the information system, bank cards-accounts/crimes. Blocking access, removing-correcting website content. Brand infringement, e-commerce, domain name…

Verbal - ordinary - formal contract, contract preparation, protocol arrangement. Debt relationship, mutual will, proportionality, equality, pact and fidelity. Liability, default, interest, lawyer in Mersin, writing, preliminary contract, mandatory elements, validity. Penalty clause in the contract, breach - termination of the contract, contract in a foreign language...

Administration, rule of law, legality. Public interest, responsibility of the administration, public service, Council of State, full remedy action, annulment action. Law enforcement, administrative fines, municipal fines, expropriation, confiscation without expropriation, highways, traffic. The supremacy of the public, the openness of the judicial remedy against all kinds of actions and actions of the administration. Tax, taxpayer, examination, reconciliation, tax penalty...

Social insurance, private insurance, accident, damage, damage cost, bodily-material damage. Transport, financial risk, life-sickness-health-life-pension insurance. Loss of value, property insurance, fire insurance, agricultural insurance, vehicle insurance, transport insurance. Reinsurance, beneficiary, insurance arbitration, risk determination. Compulsory Liability Insurance, hospital treatment expenses, funeral and burial expenses…

Residence permit, work permit, extension application. Family residence, student residence, short-term residence permit, long-term residence permit. Citizenship application, general and exceptional application and acquisition of Turkish citizenship by marriage. Turquoise card, foreigners buying, selling and renting real estate in Turkey, indefinite-independent-exceptional work...